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When choosing a charging station, first consider whether a wallbox or a freestanding model in the form of a column is more suitable for you. Our wallboxes can also be placed on a stand. This gives you an affordable freestanding option.
Will you use the one with or without smart features? Focus on where the station will be placed. Will it be publicly accessible?

Electric car charging

Charging station e:car COLUMN double cable / cable BASIC
Column for private and public space with a pair of cables. It offers a wide range of possibilities for individualisation of form and equipment.
64,130.00 Kč 64130.0 CZK
Wallbox e:car WALL PRO socket / socket BASIC
Column for private and public space with cable and socket. It offers a wide range of possibilities for individualisation of form and equipment.
52,030.00 Kč 52030.0 CZK
Cable TYPE2 open-end 11kW
Číňan ti prodal krátký kabel? Tak nečekej a kupuj, chceš přeci parkovat podle sebe ne podle kabelu!
4,827.90 Kč 4827.900000000001 CZK
Connector for emergency response
Konektor pro blokování rozjezdu elektromobilu pro každého správného hasiče.
12,087.90 Kč 12087.9 CZK
Wallbox e:car WALL single zásuvka SMART
Wallbox se zásuvkou a chytrými funkcemi, aby jsi mohl dobíjet i svého Leafa a neměl problém!
30,129.00 Kč 30129.0 CZK
Dobíjecí stanice e:car COLUMN double zásuvka / zásuvka PREMIUM AFIR
Buduješ veřejnou dobíjecí síť? Tak tohle musíš mít, splňuje všechna zákonná nařízení!
90,750.00 Kč 90750.0 CZK
1,076.90 Kč 1076.9 CZK
1,149.50 Kč 1149.5 CZK
1,210.00 Kč 1210.0 CZK
1,452.00 Kč 1452.0 CZK
1,815.00 Kč 1815.0 CZK
Dobíjecí stanice e:car COLUMN double kabel / kabel PREMIUM AFIR
Column for private and public space with a pair of cables. It offers a wide range of possibilities for individualisation of form and equipment.
95,590.00 Kč 95590.0 CZK
Wallbox e:car WALL PRO kabel / kabel PREMIUM AFIR
Column for private and public space with cable and socket. It offers a wide range of possibilities for individualisation of form and equipment.
78,650.00 Kč 78650.0 CZK